viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Divulging an important historical research

An important research

Dear friends:  

            I am a Chilean/Spanish citizen who was born in Chile and has been living for more than forty years in Madrid. I am Lawyer and a researcher of the National Library of Spain, Royal Academy of History, National Archives and many other institutions. For an about a decade, I have been involved in a deep research of an important German family, protected by the emperor Charles the Fifth, who established in Chile and Spain (XVII-XVIII th centuries). Both families were very prominent, especially the one who developed in Chile, which is considered the first colonial family of the country, and the one from which derives the second most important literary topic: “La Quintrala”, with many repercussions in Chilean culture. As a result of this research, I have written a work called: “Los Lisperguer Wittemberg: una singular familia alemana presente en la historia de España y Chile”.

            This work has been very well received by the Chilean Academy of History, who has recognized its novelty and merits and has kept the work in his Library to the disposal of their users. The work has been known too by the Chilean Institute of Genealogical Research. Also, It has been known and kept by the Royal Academy of History in Spain. The work has been sent too to the Casa de America in Madrid who is in this moment studying it. The research has been also approved by the editorial committee of Cervantes Virtual. As well, I have written an article about the Lisperguer family that has been approved by the Atenea Magazine, and very soon it will appear in many countries as Belgium, France, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Canada, and EEUU and many other electronic indexes. Very recently and an article announcing this research was published in Cóndor newspaper.

            The main purpose of addressing this blog to you is because I am trying to seek patronage to publish the work or at least spread its contents through any publication. I am interested in contacting scholars, History university professors, intellectuals, writers, foundations, universities, editorials, Hispanists, etc, who may be interested in knowing this research, and to divulge it.

            Thank you for your kind co-operation, and I look forward to any initiative on your part that may foster the knowledge of my research by any means at your disposal. Yours very truly,
                                                           Daniel Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle

Note: See the other documents from my blog for a better comprehension. Please don’t forget to comment or e-mail me. Thank you. 

P.D. Dear Readers:

The title of the book has changed. It has been divided into two volumes. The first one called "El conquistador alemán Pedro Lisperguer Wittemberg: las vivencias europeas de un intrépido cortesano"  is avalaible in Amazon in its digital version. Thank you. DPR.

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